


My personal portfolio website where I showcase who I am, my diverse skills, innovative projects and more. Dive into it to see how I transform ideas into digital masterpieces!

Tech Stack

  • Next Js
  • React Js
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Tailwind CSS
  • TypeScript
  • Aceternity UI
  • Next UI


  • Performance95
  • Accessibility100
  • Best Practices100
  • SEO100

Start Date

End Date



Case Study


I needed a platform to showcase my diverse technical skills, innovative projects, and professional achievements that highlights my expertise and attracts potential employers or clients.


I designed and developed a sleek, modern portfolio website using Next.js for its powerful performance and SEO capabilities, React for a dynamic user interface, UI libraries for beautiful and interactive animations.


The website effectively showcases my skills and projects in a professional and engaging manner. It has received commendations for its performance, intuitive design and smooth navigation, reflecting my attention to detail and commitment to user experience.


  • Enjoy a responsive and seamless browsing experience across all devices.

  • Top-notch SEO practices boosting visibility thus easy discovery in search engines.

  • Effortlessly find what you are looking for with intuitive and user-friendly navigation.

  • Dedicated contact form functionality and social media links for easy reach.

  • Clean, stylish, and visually appealing custom design.

© 2024 Ahmed Lukman.